
Hidden Tokushima

田舎の魅力まけまけいっぱい!徳島の秘境 Top7!!

Full of rural charm! Hidden Tokushima Top7!!

<お勧めルート 3泊4日>

<Recommended route for 3 nights>

徳島駅→ ①剣山→ ②奥祖谷二重かずら橋→ ③落合集落→ ④かずら橋→ ⑤しょうべん小僧→ ⑥ひの字渓谷

Tokushima Station→ ①Mt.Tsurugi→ ②Double Vine Bridges→ ③Community of Ochiai→ ④Iya-no-Kazura Bashi→ ⑤The statue of the Peeing Boy→ ⑥Iya Valley




⑦Okawahara Plateau

  • ‟剣山”の由来は隠された剣!?
  • The origin of Mt.Tsurugi is from the hidden sword!?

(剣山リフト 毎年4月中下旬より運行開始)

昔々、頂上に安徳天皇の剣を埋めたことから‟剣山”と名付けられたらしい。(諸説あり)日本100名山に選ばれている剣山は標高1995mの高峰にも関わらず初心者でも気楽に登山を楽しめる。 登山口の見ノ越から西島までは、登山リフトが運行している為、気軽に自然を楽しみたいという人にもお勧め。山頂には稀な、設備の整ったヒュッテもあり、贅沢に非日常を味わえる。
また、四季折々の景観も魅力的。新緑が美しい癒しの夏、あたり一面に広がる紅葉の秋、冬はクリスタルの様な雨氷、運が良ければ雲海をも拝められる。まるで天空にいるみたい。 夜は満点の星空に包まれ、夏に現れる天の川には圧巻!!

Best season: Early May through late October
(Chairlift operates from middle of April every year)

To begin with, the name "Tsurugi" means "sword." This name originates from the legend that the sword of Emperor Antoku was hidden deep within the mountain. Mt. Tsurugi is also known as one of the 100 famous mountains in Japan, which is popular for all level climbers including beginners although its height is 1995m. With a chairlift that takes you up to "Nishizima," it is perfect for those who want to enjoy nature with ease. What's more, there is a great mountain hut where you can experience an unusual way of life.
Mt.Tsurugi reveals different views each season: new green leaves of early summer, autumn leaves all around, and sleet that is like a crystal in winter. With any luck, you can see a sea of clouds. Feel like a bird. The sky is filled with many beautiful stars at night. It's a breathtaking night view !!

  • まるでRPGのダンジョンみたい。異世界観溢れる奥祖谷二重かずら橋
  • Double Vine Bridges, which is like another world, get you into dungeon of RPG.

入場料:大人(中学生以上)¥550-/ 子供(小学生)¥350-/ 幼児 無料

自然の匂いに包まれながら心地よく鳴り響く清流の音。耳を澄ませば小鳥のさえずりも聞こえてくる。妖精なんかもひょっこり現れちゃいそう。透き通る水は上流ならではの醍醐味。 思わず深呼吸せずにはいられない。

Best season: Early May through early November
Entrance fee:Adults ¥550-/ kids under12 ¥350-/ kids under6 free.

It's said that Double Vine Bridges were built for the member of Heike to commute to Mt.Tsurugi. You can sense its unique atmosphere just a few kilometers from Mt.Tsurugi. This is a nice out-of-the-way place with very few tourists.
There is a nice sound of the clear stream and the good smell of nature. Birds are singing a song, which makes you feel relax. The clear water of upstream is the best part. You can't help taking a deep breath.

  • 落合集落
  • Community of Ochiai


国の重要伝統的建造物群保存地区に選定されている落合集落。起源は明らかではないが、平家の落人伝説や開拓伝承などと言われている。 急斜面に集落が形成されており、歴史が垣間見える。対岸には写真のように落合集落を一望できる展望台が設置されている。 落合集落の地を踏む事もできるが、ガードレールのない狭い道が多いので注意が必要。

Best season: Early May through early November
Entrance fee: Free
Location:Ochiai, Higashi-Iya, Miyoshi City

The community of Ochiai was designated an important preservation district of historic buildings. Although its origin not been identified, it is said that there is a legend of fleeting Heike Clan or a folklore of frontier settlers. As the village is formed on a steep slope, you can get a glimpse of its history. There is an observation deck on the other side where you can overlook the entire view. You can step on the community of Ochiai, but there are many narrow streets that don't have any guardrails.

  • スリル満点。原始的な吊り橋 かずら橋
  • Thrilling primitive suspension bridge. "Iya-no-Kazura Bashi"

料金:大人¥550-/ 子供¥350-

かずら橋の由来は、祖谷に巡行された弘法大師が困っている村人の為に作ったという説や、追っ手から逃れる平家の落人が楽に切り落とせるようシラクチカズラで作ったという説など諸説が残っている。 一歩一歩の踏み場の間隔が広く、下を向くとヒヤッとする。スリル満点なかずら橋から眺める景色は圧巻。下にはエメラルドに輝く清流が流れている。 また、四季折々異なる雰囲気が広がっており、どのシーズンでもお勧め。 夜になるとかずら橋がライトアップされ、‟幻想的”というか、いい意味で‟不気味”なかずら橋を堪能できる。

Best season: Early May through early November
Entrance fee: Adults¥550-/ Kids¥350-
Light-UP: Every night from 19:00 till 21:30

The origin of Iya-no-Kazura Bashi is said that a Buddhist monk built it for villagers in need, or it's built by the plant called monkey kiwi in order to cut off easily so the member of heike could shake off chasers. As the space between every step is wide, you would feel a chill when you look down. Having said that, the view from the thrilling Iya-no-Kazura Bashi is breathtaking. There is a clear stream glowing a brilliant emerald under the bridge. What's more, every season has different views, so you can enjoy all seasons there. Every night from 19:00 till 21:30, the bridge is lightened up. It creates more of a spooky atmosphere in a good way than a magical one.

  • 徳島名物!!肝まで美味しい新鮮な鮎の塩焼き
  • The specialty of Iya "Salt grilled ayu"


かずら橋に来たら絶対に外せないのが鮎の塩焼き。新鮮な鮎を丸ごと七輪で塩焼きにしており、余計な味付けなく、新鮮な鮎をそのまま堪能できる。 肝まで美味しく、思わずビールが飲みたくなる。その他、でこまわしやあめごの塩焼きもあり、祖谷地方につたわる郷土料理を楽しめる。‟でこまわし”は里いもやこんにゃく、豆腐などを串に刺しゆず味噌を塗って焼く“田楽”である。

〇Salt grilled ayu
〇Salt grilled amego

You shouldn't miss the salt grilled ayu if you are in Iya. The fresh ayu is grilled with only salt, so you can enjoy the fresh ayu itself. It really goes with beer, and even liver,and it's so tasty. Besides it, there are salt grilled amego and decomawashi that are local cuisines in the Iya region. With any luck, you can encounter a wild raccoon dog which is looking for leftovers from travelers.

  • 勇敢な少年。その名は‟しょうべん小僧”
  • This is a brave boy. His name is The Peeing Boy.


昔、子供や旅人などが像のある岩のあたりで小便をして度胸だめしをしたという逸話をもとに小便小僧が作られた。1968年に徳島県の彫刻家、河崎良行氏が制作したらしい。 今は危険な為、度胸試しは禁止されている。

Best season: Early May through early November
Entrance fee: Free
Location: Matsuo, Ikeda Cho, Miyoshi City ~Nishi-Iyayamamura, Miyoshi City

The statue of the peeing boy was made based on the legend that children and travelers used to pee around the statue as a courage test. It was made by Ryoko Kawasaki who is sculptor born in 1968 in Tokushima. The courage test is prohibited because it's dangerous.

  • ひの字渓谷
  • Iya Valley


祖谷川が大きく屈曲し、‟ひの字”に見える事から、ひの字渓谷と呼ばれるようになった。秋は一面、紅葉に染まる。 下を覗くと谷底に吸い込まれそうな迫力。霧とのコラボレーションも幻想的。 広角レンズがなければ全貌を捉えられない。

Best season: Early May through early November
Entrance fee: Free
Location: Matsuo, Ikeda Cho, Miyoshi City ~Nishi-Iyayamamura, Miyoshi City

Iya Valley is called "Valley of Hi(ひ)" because Iya river, which twists a lot, looks like "hi(ひ)", the Japanese character. It's covered by autumn leaves all over in fall. It's a magnificent view, so you might feel like you will get sucked into Iya Valley if you look down. The valley blanketed in fog is also a magical view. It's hard to capture the whole view without a wide angle camera.

  • 天の川
  • Milky Way


5月上旬に見えた天の川。諦めかけた午前2時頃、東の空にて発見しました。ほぼ満月の日だったのですが、運よく月の出が午前2時過ぎくらいだった為、何とかギリギリ星空撮影間に合いました。 見ての通り山の麓が赤くなってきています。悟空のかめはめ波で月を飛ばしてほしかった。。。(笑)

Best season: Early July through late August
Location: Kami,Sanagochi,Myodo District

I was able to see the Milky Way in early May. I was about to give up on seeing it. That's when I finally found it in the east sky. It was almost a full moon on that day, but luckily, I was able to take pictures of stars at the last minute because the moon was supposed to show up after 2am. As you can see, the foot of the mountain is getting red in the picture. I wished that all of a sudden, Son-Goku showed up and blew away the moon.
When it comes to the Milky Way, you may imagine July. However, it appears all year. Having said that, I am convinced summer is the best season for stargazing. I'd like to try again on a new moon day in summer.
P.S. It was freezing out there. I would have definitely froze in the car if I didn't have a sleeping bag.